Wednesday 3 March 2010

ABC Dimensional

Examples of experimental typography...
Above, very interesting idea!
Just simply finding different type faces and collaging them together could make an interesting type face...

This is quite a cool idea, 3d typography that produces amazing shadows.

I would quite like to see my final resolution looking very similar to these two examples above, the first being the alphabet and type face individually and then the second being the type face used in context, i think this way it looks really professional and would look good in my portfolio.

I would like to experiment creating type out of some form of liquid, I think it looks original and fun to create!

Work by Openair/ St.Gallen...

Work by Daniel Taubert.

Work by Amitis Pahlevan

Bjorn Johansson

The work of Stefan Seimeister sprung to mind when researching into this brief, his work relys heavily on the formation of handmade type and really relates back to what i am trying to achieve. He also uses his type work in a lot of different contexts, ranging from using his own body to billboards in the city. i really want to create this variation to my work and push the boundaries with something new and innovative.
I came across this guy on the behance network, I love his typographic work, it is so clear and professional, i really want to get my work up to this standard, i may email him and see if i could interview him
This caught my eye because it almost looks like spaghetti, this kind of font would be a good template for me to base my spaghetti type.Example of experimental typography, I am really getting into this area!

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