Monday, 22 March 2010

Design context for easter sunday flyer and poster...

Below are a couple of album covers for Rock n Roll music...

Monday, 15 March 2010

Experimental type with and as image...

Bikini Kill existing imagery...

All these images that i have picked out are all of a very simliar theme and asthetic, mainly all in black and white with very limited use of colour. They are all very punk/rock and are quite messy and hand drawn with high lighted block text.
This one introduces colour which makes it slightly more contemporary!

Burlesque inspiration for Bikini Kill poster...

Inspiration for Love Your Body campaign...type with and as image.

Jonathan Caplan

Penguin book cover design-limited colour palette, combination of image and type combined.

I saw this piece of advertising on the back of a bus whilst i was walking to uni the other day! I like the way they have involved type as image really subtly. It is quite simple but clear and understandable.

Phillipe Nicolas

I came across this guy on one of my friends blogs, I think his use of type with and as image is wicked and ties in perfectly with the work I am doing for the 'Love Your Body' Campaign.

Friday, 12 March 2010

Love Your Body campaigns...

After discussions in my crit an idea was suggested that I should create a selection of different iconic temples that relate to different religions and will be recognised as familiar aspects of each individuals life!

Thinking about different medias other than posters...
I loved this, instantly caught my eye when I was researching into this area, you know exactly what the poster is about and the the concept is really clear which I found throughout all the posters that I have found so I need to make sure I am hitting this with my own!This is quite a simple design using shapes and curves to represent women, i think i want to stay clear of this though as I don't think it creates enough of a reaction to be honest!Maybe it's just the colours that I am not keen on!
This and the leaflet below is work by a designer called Jennifer Johnson, i like her originality and involvement of experimental type to portray a serious concerning message.
This is another kind of take on the love you body campaign, all the others are poster form but this is stepping away from the poster and starts to involve an interactive slant to the love your body campaign. People instantly like things they can get their hands on and play with!
I spotted this as i thought it tied in quite similarly with the temple that I have started to create out of type! This kind of idea has been done quite a lot so to make mine stand out from the rest it is going to have to be really original for it to get noticed!
I think this is wicked, really liked this clever play on wording and typography layout, reads well gets message across clearly and is modern and fresh!i want to think of a clever innovative idea like this!
I remembered the Dove Campaign that was lauched a while ago and this was all about being happy with what you have got and loving your body!!! All primarily based on photography!
I'm not sure if I really like this poster below but it is just another way in which someone has represented a love your body campaign, I suppose it is quite fun and cute but I dont really want that kind of reaction for my poster.
This image below I just don't think works, the colours are boring and the concept is too obvious!