Monday 19 April 2010

Mario Hugo...

Mario Hugo's use of typography and imagery together works beautifully, these 3 samples of his work below show a very limited use of colour but still communicate a very powerful exploration into the balance of type and image combined together.

There seems to be use of lots of different layers which builds up a really depthful image.
I really want to start experimenting more with type and exploring different medias in which I can use to create it.
Work Hugo has done for the decemberists, sleeve designs that involve the use of type and image combined in a very illustrative manor.

He has even experimented with different stocks and ways of printing which really adds impact to his design. This looks like he has either used a spot colour or used foiling to create this effect.
This is a pattern Hugo created for a wall paper design, this is something i had never even considered before but thinking about it having my work in this sort of context could work really well.

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