Monday 19 April 2010

Deanne Cheuk...

I have known about Deanne Cheuks work for years ever since college really and I have always been inspired by her. She has done work for such a wide variety of things for example magazines, fashions stores, personal work and many other contexts.Her work has a beautiful illustrative element to it and she uses a very pastel coloured palette.
I like the involvement of type and photography in which she displays, she really considers layout, sizing and use of colour effectively.

Beautiful arrangement of type and involvement of imagery.
Experimental typography used in an editorial context.

Magazine cover for Tokion, effective use of image and type combined

This is an example of her illustrative work that she has produced, it is a very unique and individual style that she has and I really want to develop this in my own work.
Experimental typography, using what looks like smudged ink to create a type face. Simple yet effective.

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